Saturday, February 12, 2011


I went to the psychologist yesterday and Master is quite proud of how well I did yesterday and I’m actually surprised as well. I went into the office really worried and what not and scared shitless of what would be discovered in there but it was not as bad as I thought it would be

I went in there expecting the worst and was presently surprised with the results that I received and the way the doctor is going to treat my issues

He has decided that the main part he is worried about is my PTSD and that he wants to tackle that head on he believes if we get threw that issue that a lot of my other issues will become a lot easier to handle.

I went in there not wanting to be put on any meds for my issues and when I told the doctor that I was quite surprised with him…..he clamed he did not believe in giving medications to often and had no want to force me to but he suggested that I take one bit of medications to help me cope with my PTSD and that was it

I decided I preferred not to take the meds so I left with out it and I’m still quite happy with that fact . I’m not sure if I’m going to keep that decision but for know its good

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