Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I find that the topic of punishment has a bit of a knee-jerk reaction and personally i do not see why....i see all the Masters/slaves putting there noses in the air when punishment is brought up and it confuses me for i believe correction, punishment and discipline is all the same

for is discipline not for displeasing your Master and do you not get some sort of infraction for it be it just a verbal warning or a physical one...dose that not sound like a punishment to you? It sure dose to me

or correction for that matter is that not for doing something wrong, for not doing a task correct? And if you asked me that has a type of repercussion for it as well...they correct you and the behavior in some way be it by showing you, you having to do it over and over again...sounds like a punishment to me

so in the end i believe that all three things mean the exact thing ...punishment, discipline, correction meant the same thing

1 comment:

  1. everything is a matter of perspective
    and everything changes from different point of views
