Tuesday, February 1, 2011

hey there ...this is me

Hello there I’m Trinity and I’m a Gorean owned and collard slave to my Master. I have been with him for just a short while and have learned so much from him. If you did not already know this then you did not read my profile “naughty, naughty”

I think I should make a bit of a disclaimer for everyone like (if your thinking this is a blog of a perfect slave that makes no mistakes you should look else ware) (or that if your one of those who believe you cant be involved with BDSM and be Gorean than you might want to leave )

Anyways I have been given permission to keep this blog by Master and I will be doing so regularly. I will be writing about my journey. Lessons faults ,punishments and corrections and funny times.. In a way this will be my journal that I wish to share with the world

I hope that any that follow my Blog will be able to learn something from it or at least have a good laugh and I will be very glad if it is at all useful in your journey into the lifestyle be it D/s or M/s

Well I must go know that’s all I have to say lol these first ones have got to be the hardest to write about for you never truly know what to talk about

Well anyways this is me in a small tiny nutshell

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