Saturday, February 26, 2011

loving Master

Trust is something i have always struggled with and i have never before been able to give my full trust to anyone. All my life i have always expected the worst and never ever put complete faith into anyone for fear that they would hurt me

i have always thought that people have alliterative motives to being kind and nice and what not but i have to say for the first time that has changed

for the last year i have said i trusted Master but in all honesty i have always been expecting the worst to happen but it has not , in the last little bit i have not been having the feeling that he is hiding anything and that he is true

and since i have stopped worrying about the things that could happen and been just worrying about the know i have to say im completely happy.

I have everything i want and i love him and trust him almost 100% every day the amount i trust him is raising and raising

i feel as if this is a new beginning with us and im so happy and these feelings i feel are the most amazing in the world

I love you Master and I'm so happy to be yours for ever and always, thank you for being everything you areL

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