Saturday, April 16, 2011

Master has asked me to write about what its like having a Master that i have to listen to at all times so my idea is that it makes things much easier, yet oh so difficult. The things that make it hard is the fact the i don't always think his decision is the best one, or that i think what hes asking me is totally digrodo

but there is many good things that come out of it i believe like it makes me content following orders, it makes me feel safe and secure and the feeling i get after i complete something i really did not want to do is incredible, and of course the whole bit when he says “Masters pleased” or “good girl” those are things i crave to hear. I am not 100% positive on why i crave those from besides the fact its one thing i never heard from my parents or any family member growing up

When he says those simple things it feels good and makes me want to do more things just so i can feel i did good or that he is happy with my behaviour. Also i try to do what ever he says usually so i never hear the words Master is disappointed in me or that I’m a bad girl those words in them self destroy me and make me miserable

all in all i think it is far better having a Master that is in control and that i have to listen to for it keeps me out of trouble in an tune with whats right and wrong, with out it I’m accustomed to getting into trouble or bad situations

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