Monday, February 14, 2011


Today was the first v-day I have ever enjoyed and it was thanks to my Master, he was so sweet when he came in today he brought a heart chocolate in with him it was really sweet of him…I really did not think he was going to do anything. I did not even think he would celebrate ii do have to t with his religion and all. But it was sweet non the less

Later in the evening Master decided to try a new tie on me and I enjoyed it a lot and then I fooled around with the camera and got some funny pictures of Master which im going to post and he will probably beat my ass for it when he sees it but its sooo worth it

oh so sereal


i think he looks cute lmao
Anyways im going to post pictures of our tie and what not

1 comment:

  1. i wish someone loved me that much and would show me that affection for once, for those who know only pain on Vday, just let it burn
