Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Master is a pooh head

One thing I hate more than anything is being naked that’s why I try my best to Make Master cute little outfits so he dose not request me to be nude when he gets home

I don’t like being naked for I feel very vulnerable when im naked and to be honest im a bit ashamed of my body I do not believe I look to good  en so being naked is hard

For some reason Master has been making me be naked when at home and he wont even let me ware panties hes such a bully

Today I texted him asking what I should be warring when he comes home for I ask him every day  he testes me back I want you naked …..he’s so mean lol so I reply I hate you Master lol and to make it worse he replies

Fine I want you naked and holding me a beer  (such a pooh head )

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