Sunday, February 27, 2011

7 things

Master has asked me to pick 7 things that I believe describe me and to write about why I chose them
So this is it

“black rose bud”
to me a black rose symbolizes death something no one ever wants , something that was looked down upon and never wanted , something that is dark and mysterious but if it was given the chance it could bloom into something beautiful and powerful

“Slave” it is just who I am. I get great joy I’m being a slave to my Master it is like my destiny, I am a submissive slave I surrender my freewill to the one I chose as Master

“Strong willed woman”
I know what I want and I know how to obtain it. To me my submission makes me extremely strong willed and personally I believe more then most woman are. For I personally believe It takes great strength to give away everything I have and could be to another and have the faith that he will not use me or abuse me in the way I do not want

I am a mom and I love my son more then life its self and I always strive to do what best for him even if it means making the hardest decisions in life I still make them because I love him

“I’m a Bitch” I am extremely hard to handle and very stubborn and I don’t back down and I’m very protective when I need to be and I can become a royal bitch if anything threatens my family

“Mentally special” I do not really see myself as having a disability I see my self as being special and unique I have something no one else has and I see it more so as a gift then a disability

“I’m his” I belong to him every part of me even the bad and ugly it still makes me his, my soul, heart, mind and body are his to do with as he pleases. I am special and with in my service to him I am his most precious possession I believe I am irreplaceable to him. I am his lover, his best friend, his student, his slave. So in the end I am His

I know that there is many different ways I could describe my self but this is the best way I can yes I know I could say im dominant, hard willed, stubborn, smart, cheeky, slutty, dumb and so many more but the ones that describe me the best are those that are above and I think that’s what really makes me Me and who I am

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