Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Everyone makes mistakes in there lifetime and to me all that matters is about how you recover from them. In our lifetime there is always a lot of mistakes we make and I believe it is important to make those mistakes for with out them we don’t learn

I myself have made my fare share of them and I’m sure that I will make a ton more in my life but the important part is I always jump back up and move forward

I just sometimes wish I could apologise for some of the mistakes I have made and make emends to the people I have hurt. Every one makes mistakes and those mistakes shape us into the people we are even though they hurt the ones around us

Right know I am having an issue with remembering some of the things I have done and for them I feel great horrible shame and regret and evry day that I live know I try to live to the best of my abilities, I know that wont make up for the things I have done but it will make it so my future is a hole lot brighter

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