Thursday, March 24, 2011

my i cock your socks :D

I have to admit i have my blond moments lol last night before Master went for a shower i started sucking his cock lol i love his smell and usually like to suck his cock when he has a lazy day at work and what not so i was doing that yesterday and he cut me off and went for his shower and i looked at him and pouted and said “i wasn't done yet” and he laughed and said i could later lol

so later in the evening Master was sitting on the bed and i basically attacked his cock with my mouth and he started moaning a little bit and goes and says are you not supposed to ask? I kinda panicked a little bit and replied you said i could cock your socks later....and he started laughing his ass of at me lol...what can i say i can be ditsy at times lol

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