Friday, March 4, 2011


Maser is going to be starting actual training tonight and im nervous as hell I think I may have bitten of more then I can chew. I have been bugging Master for along time that I wanted to get better and that I wanted to be trained like a real slave….WELL I THINK I HAVE GOTTEN IT !!!!

I’m so nervous and not sure what to expect Master has gotten me to update my fetlife profile stating that I would be away for two weeks at least and would have very little computer time

Master has informed me that I will be on speech restriction 24/7 for during training and maybe longer and that I would have to earn everything from sitting on the furniture to sleeping in his bed

I know this is going to be hard but I will try my best to endure it and I will try to be allowed to go online every night so I may blog a bit about my adventure

Oh so nervous

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